Spring into new sounds


The change in season is always a perfect time to reflect on one’s current course or state of being. Just like clearing out the accumulated clutter from a closet or neglected corner of the home, us creative types must take a fresh look at our creative process and the effectiveness of our gear. Is something not working? This can be both a physical and philosophical question (and be honest with yourself!). Maybe it is time to try a new approach, introducing a new sound into the mix.

Our Sound Tasting – Effects Consultations allow you to do just that.  Line-up as many as 7 different effects to see if one connects with you. Purchase the one(s) you like.

We recently had a customer looking for reverb. Something more atmospheric than the typical plate/spring/hall triumvirate. He was after a nuanced texture to add layer upon layer. Another customer,  wasn’t sure what sound she was after and decided to take a more whimsical approach. “Show me anything with a face!” As a visual artist as well as a musician she decided to find inspiration both graphically and sonically.

How will you discover your next pedal? Our consultations start at $30 per hour.
