
30ms Automatic Double Tracker

Artificial Double Tracking Vintage Chamber Reverb True Stereo Chorus

Ambient Stereo Chorus ASC10

A bold, rich spacious sound in a compact enclosure.

Bi-Mode Chorus BCL

Two independent LFOs


Vibrato/chorus/wow and flutter simulator


Super chorusing via four modulated delay lines.


Distortion with chorus or delay w/ selectable SERIES / PARALLEL operation

Instant Lo-Fi Junky

Achieve new haunting chorus sounds and pulsating vibrato.

Micro Chorus M-148

simple operation and stellar analog tone

Mini Chorus

modeled after the original late 70’s “Ensemble” chorus that started it all


The North Star wobbler.

Rainbow Machine Black on Pink

Same great Rainbow Machine in a limited edition Black & Pink enclosure.


A densely lush chorus coupled with three modes of modulation

Stereo Chorus Pro CS-9

an analog stereo chorus with an entire range of classic and unique effects

Uni-VibeĀ® M68

delivers the same chewy, Leslie-sounding goodness as the 60’s classic