Disaster Transport Jr.

The Disaster Transport Jr. is an analog voiced digital delay with 30ms to 625ms delay time, all analog dry signal path and true bypass. It was designed as an anti-modern delay for those who appreciate a nice tape echo with all it’s peculiarities. It’s unique tone control doubles as a noise filter on longer delay settings and really helps the delay shine with a dirty signal. The mix control allows you to boost the effected signal to nearly 4x the original signal level and the repeats control goes from one signal repeat to near infinite repeats all the way through to self oscillation.

Most delay pedals are heavily filtered at the output to remove the clock noise and other unwanted hash that is common from extending the range of the delay time beyond the limit of the circuitry. This usually leaves the delay sounding dark, muddy and disappear when hitting it with dirt. The Disaster Transport has done away with a lot of the heavy filtering and replaced it with a tone control which allows the user to choose their desired sound and results in more natural tape-like repeats.


Price: $NFS. SBS Reference Section
Manufacturer: EarthQuaker Devices
Voltage: 9VDC
Dimensions: 4.37" X 2.37" X 1.07"
Color: silver