The grey plaid material used to make this Mustang Guitar Strap is the same style that was used as a trunk liner for many late 60's and early 70's Ford Mustangs! That vinyl is long gone, but there is a company that makes one run of this stuff each year for vintage car buffs and we got our hands on some to make this plaid vintage look guitar strap.
This Ford Mustang Style Trunk Liner Vinyl has a great plaid flavor to it, almost like the vintage suits the pattern-makers were emulating back in the 60’s when it was first introduced- it seems to go with almost any guitar. Note closely that this intricate pattern starts with very subtle beige stripes running across the a greyish/light blue background then the darker, more obvious black plaid markings offer the third detail of the vinyl opposing each other at right angles. It looks sharp man!
We add our own intricate Couch details, like yellow thread on that reads as neutral on most guitars, or perfectly brings out shades of sunburst guitars, and then an all black vinyl and stitched back that keeps the whole thing visually together. Couch straps are handmade in California.