As the name suggests, the Ambience pedal creates a delicate wash behind your playing, softening the mood with the syncopation of multi-tap delay and the gentle embrace of ambient reverb. While it can be used just like a normal delay pedal, there’s some really neat stuff happening under the hood that gives it the vibe, feel and tone it delivers. Start with a delay pedal, add a second, syncopated echo tap and then modulate them both. Independently. Let those echoes drift into a soft reverb… now we’re getting somewhere. You should know, the Decay control is really two controls rolled into one knob and simultaneously adjusts the number of echo repeats and how much reverb the
repeats have on them. Sound tricky? It’s really easy. And it sounds heavenly.
As you know, every Mr. Black pedal is 100% designed and handmade in the in
the south easy side of Portland, Oregon U.S.A